Currently, available treatments focus on reducing the symptoms of ADHD and improving functioning of medications proving functioning. Treatments include medication, various types of psychotherapy, education or training or a combination of treatments. The most common type of medication used for treating ADHD is called a “Stimulant”. Although it may seem unusual to treat ADHD with a medication considered a stimulant, it actually has a calming effect on children with ADHD (Cox et al: 2006). A list of medication and approved age for use is listed below:-
TABLE 1 showing list of approved medication for ADHD
Table Name | Generic Name | Approved Age |
ADDERALL | Amphetamine | 3 and older |
ADDERALLXR | amphetamine (extended release) | 6 and older |
CONCERTA | methylphenidate (long acting) | 6 and older |
DAYTRANA | methamphetamine patch | 6 and older |
DESOXYN | methamphetamine hydrochloride | 6 and older |
DEXTROSTAT | dextroamphetamine | 3 and older |
FOCLIN | dexmethylphemidte (extended release) | 6 and older |
FOCALINXR | Dexmethylphemide (extended release) | 6and older |
METADATE XR | Methylphemidate (extended release) | 6 and older |
METADATE CD | Methylphemidate (extended release) | 6 and older |
METHYLIN | Methylphenidate (oral solution tablet) | 6 and older |
RITALIN | Methylphenidate | 6 and older |
RITALIN SR | Methylphemidate (extended release) | 6 and older |
RITALIN LA | Methylphenidate (long acting) | 6 and older |
STRATTETRA | Atomoxetine | 6 and older |
VYVANSE | Lisdexomsylate dimesylate | 6 and older |